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Renew Class


We offer this class regularly, both in-person + virtual, to serve both as class for people seeking the rite of Confirmation or looking for a general orientation to the Episcopal Church's theology, worship, and devotional life. Email Gail at to sign up! Virtual option: knowing that we have a lot of different schedules out there AND we want people to get to know each other, as you sign up, let me know if you are doing the virtual option so I can pair you with someone else doing that too, to be a prayer partner and to go through the discussion/reflection questions together! Virtual class will be posted on YouTube and emailed out.


Here's what the first version of the class looked like:

The Rule of St. Benedict | YouTube & handout

Baptism & Confirmation | YouTube & handout

Book of Common Prayer | handout

Holy Eucharist | YouTube & handout

History of Faith | handout

Denomination, Communion, Polity | YouTube & handout

How to be a congregation | YouTube & handout

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