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But who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly in this manner? For all things come from Thee, and from Thine own have we given Thee. | 1 Chronicles 29:14


Offerings are made as an expression of faith and generosity and our gifts are ultimately identified with Christ's self-offering for our salvation. Here's a guide to our 2024 Stewardship Campaign.


Ways to join in:


1. Fill out our digital pledge card


2. Give online through's secure system, here is our giving link.


3. Place your offering in the plate passed in church, after the Peace.


4. Set up an ACH transfer through your bank


5. Mail a check to Trinity Episcopal Church, 104 Walnut Hollow Road, Lynchburg VA 24503


6. If you are curious about planned giving, email the info@ address and we'll put you in touch with our finance chair.


During the offertory prayer in our worship service, we pray in gratitude for all of the gifts of time, talent, and treasure given at Trinity.  Our ministries and mission seeks to follow Christ out into the world--join in with your prayers, enthusiasm, and action! This church is financially sustained by our annual pledge drive and the generous gifts of people like you.


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