Our Sunday services are
9:30am Very Interactive + All-Ages Communion (first Sunday of the month*)
10:30am Holy Eucharist
Contact our priest to discuss and plan baptisms, confirmation, weddings, and burials.
What should I know?
We take Jesus seriously, but not ourselves. We will greet you warmly and show you around! We're an all-ages community and that shows up practically: if a kid with you makes noise--we're used to it, we get it, we are glad you are with us! If you have mobility/medical specifics (a few of us do!) and we can be helpful, let the usher or priest know. No dress code. Our sacraments of baptism and confirmation are open to all--and so is participation in anything we do.
Worship + Practices
Episcopal worship services are deeply rooted in Scripture: you will hear at least 4 readings from the Bible, and the words of our Book of Common Prayer draw all who pray this way together in poetic words drawn from the Bible. Voices from the congregation read Scripture and our Prayers of the People and the sermon takes a close look at God's grace for us. We gather for communion every Sunday. Speak to the priest or your neighbor in the pew if you have any questions!
Join in virtually
Here's our sermon podcast & we hope to have our streaming back up soon on Facebook Live. You do not need a Facebook account to watch at the link. You can follow along with the Book of Common Prayer online and the bulletin is in our weekly email. Comment or send us an email so we know you are with us, and how we can include you in prayer and ministry.